So far the guest bathroom and passage ceilings are done... but we're not even half-way. Still the entryway, the great room (argh!), both bedrooms and the master bath to do.
We discovered some... uh... creative drywalling. In the passage, instead of taping the top edge of the wall, but we discovered that someone thought caulk would do the trick just as well. So of course, after scraping the caulk out of the gap, it looks like we're going to need to retape that wall-ceiling join. Not bad though.
The system we used tonight was just straight water and a scraper. It was effective enough on the unpainted popcorn, however the painted popcorn (in every room but the bathrooms) it required a lot more scraping than we were expecting.
This weekend, we're going to try something different:
Watch at about 2 minutes in. Keep your eye on the bubble. OMG!! We're trying warm water, vinegar and a proper sprayer in place of the pump action water misting bottle.
Anyway, the two "finished" rooms need a bit more work. We're nervous about getting the drywall too wet because we don't want any chance of mould. Looking at the various videos I've watched, I see most people wetting things MUCH more than we have. Going to get a bit more aggressive this weekend, but will put a fan on the area as soon as the popcorn has been removed.
Anyway... that's enough of adventures in popcorn country for one day.
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