Ok, hear me out!!
This classic lined, beveled be-glassed beauty was only $15 and I have big plans for her future. We need a new coffee table. I had a few in mind, but they were all too cold and modern for our taste. Now, I know, we have the uber modern sectional couch that we love... but that doesn't mean we can't play a little mix and match does it? The "vision" for the living room is evolving every day and we want something more classic, and perhaps traditional than what we are working with now. My plan is to go with the flow and buy what I find beautiful and edit when we're done. If that means we lose the couch then we will cross that bridge when we get there. For now though,
I think we can make it all work together.
Stay tuned for the mind blowing (I hope) after pics of the table next week.
P.S. Please know that the above pic was taken from the Craigslist listing and is NOT our living room. kthxbai
ETA: Holy Cow!! Table is here and it's GORG! The bottom shelf has woven wicker/rattan-ie stuff on it. Totally chic! Love it! There are some scratches and spots of discoloration, but nothing that some paint or stain couldn't solve. Wouldn't you know it... a quick scan of Craigslist this evening uncovered this little beauty: http://austin.craigslist.org/fuo/1144900821.html I think I like this version more than the one we got!!! Oh well...
Now, my question for you is... white paint or chocolate stain?
In the light of the evening the wood appears darker, and I have to say that I do really like the look of it, but I need to remember that we're going to have lot's of white pieces around the room (living/dining) and I want to keep the balance. Honestly, I think that the lattice work would look much better in chocolate stain than white paint. What say you?
Chocolate stain! Or if you want to keep an uber-modern feel, dark charcoal grey is the paint colour of the moment! Think this table will look awesome with a makeover.
ReplyDeleteOoooohhhhhhhhh I didn't THINK of dark charcoal grey!! That would be beautimus! I've seen it on a couple of other blogs, but it never occurred to me. You're right! It would help me stick with the modern feel, AND start bridging the gap between mod and traditional, while not clashing with the dining table, and other dark "faux wood" pieces we have now, but also any future pieces we might add.
ReplyDeleteLu, you're a genius!!!