We've always agreed that one day, our ultimate dream is to buy a home near the sea -- any sea... for that matter ANY large body of water would do. A few weeks ago, out of interest, Peter enlisted the help of our old friend Google, (we call him "G"), and used the maps to scour the Gulf coast searching for little po'dunk towns that may possibly be affordable places for us to live, (even if we couldn't afford to buy a home of our own).
Peter hit paydirt in March when he discovered Palacios and took a cruise through some local real estate sites, and discovered that... hang on... that is TOTALLY do-able! We can afford that house! He called me over to look at some of the properties he had found and I believe my first words were, "OMG that house is the cutest! That price can't be right? What's wrong with it?"
So Ros jumped on the phone -- doing what she does best -- and called the realtor's office to get more info. Nope she said, nothing major wrong... it could use some updating, but otherwise it's in good nick.
Now... we have been planning a trip down to Houston since January because Peter bought us tickets to see In Flames so we decided to swing through Palacios on our way home.
We think our pics from the trip deserve their own entry, so Ros will post those next.
Thanks for stopping by,

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