Basically, his feedback was that we are silly to only apply for a mortgage now that P works from home -- we should have done it while he still had a full time job or else, I should consider paying him a wage every week to help us with the application.
He also said that while my writing many things off as business expenses (I seriously didn't write off anything that WASn't business related, I'm too honest to mess with that stuff), but because it looks like we really didn't make much money last year... this will count against us when we go to apply.
Also, because the conditions will only be removed from my visa in June, he suggests that we wait until June before we apply.
He also advised that we start the application process for those additional first time home buyer loans in the mean while so that we know what figure we need to aim for when June rolls around.
He said that IF both P and I have credit scores of 740 and up each we may just squeak through with an approval. Now... do we apply for every single one of the credit cards we receive offers for each week (8+) and build up a serious credit rating? Or do we just stick with what we've got and spend a whole lot through the card and then pay a whole lot through the card? Last time we applied for a mortgage I had a great rating. I was just under 740 which isn't bad for someone who only got their first credit card last year huh? Too bad it didn't count at the time... but this time... THIS time it will count! Well... provided I get the new green card in time.
It just kills me that we have to stress out this much about getting a mortgage and yet we are paying WAY more than our potential mortgage would be in rent every month... throwing money down the drain. Argh!!

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